Potential outcomes from coaching

Being a client-driven process, the outcomes you get are dependent on what you are looking for, your readiness to change, and your commitment to act on what you have decided. 


When you are confused or unsure of what you want, you can work on getting clarity.


When you are clear about what to do but not sure how to go about it, use coaching to find direction.


When you know the direction but can’t get started, in coaching you can explore what motivates you.


When you are progressing but want to go faster, you can figure out ways to be consistent.


If you want to improve how you work, you can figure out ways to be more productive.


If you are overwhelmed, a coaching conversation can help balance your thought process.

Coaching compared


Therapy deals with healing pain, dysfunction and conflict within an individual or in relationships with a focus on resolving difficulties arising from the past, improving overall psychological functioning, and dealing with the present in more emotionally healthy ways.

Coaching is based on client-initiated change, is future-focused, and emphasizes action, accountability and follow-through.


Counselling is the process where you talk about your problems and issues in detail either intending to overcome them or to explore your thoughts comprehensively. A counselor is appropriate for help resolving long-term pain or distress, or for diagnoses and treatment of mental health challenges.

You can similarly speak freely about your state of mind with a coach but with the aim of getting to the outcome you are aspiring for.


A mentor provides guidance and perspective based on their own experience to your situation. A mentor is usually a person who is more experienced or skilled in the same line of work that the mentee is interested in following. There may be some amount of advice involved.

The coaching process does not include advising or counselling. A coach is not required to have expertise or experience in your field.

— Creative Services

What (not) to expect in coaching

✔︎ The coach helps you weigh everything that’s on your mind, and let you determine the most important goals you want to work on.

✔︎ You and coach have a conversation where the coach partners in the process of you coming up your own solutions and insights.

✔︎ The coach is empathetic, supportive, and creates a non-judgemental space where you can express yourself freely.

✔︎ Coaching is a space where you take responsibility to work on what is within your control.

✔︎ The coach is committed to partner with you, with you in the driving seat, and let it unfold at a natural pace. It is also possible that your goals change mid-way for a good reason.

✗ The coach telling you what your priorities or goals should be based on what you have shared.

✗ You telling the coach your problem and then coach giving you advice or solutions.

✗ The primary role of the coach is not to console you, or make you feel good; it part of the process but not the outcome.

✗ Coaching is not a space for you complain about others and feel helpless.

✗ It cannot be predicted that you will achieve the outcome you had set for yourself at the start, and that it will happen within the time limit you had in mind.

Saurabh Gupta, Coach, Facilitator, Trainer, Consultant

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